20 Foods to supercharge you

We are living in the where every thing is done at a accelerated speed. And in this rush of doing everything fast often times we forget to keeps  track of what we are eating. Food is the source of energy for our body and if we start eating foods that are processed and full of chemicals, we certainly will deficit in the energy out put that we exert so a healthy and balance diet is the need for every house hold in this push button era where everything is done with a push of a button.

If you want to live a healthy life with exquisite energy everyday then you need to get out of the push button era mentality and start to live, exercise, and eat foods that are healthy for your body.

So i am gonna give you 20 foods that are all natural and are very good for your overall heath and nutrition.

1) Avocado:- Rich in protein and contains mono saturated fat.
2)Blue berries:- Rich in fiber.
3) Wild Salmon:- Omega-3 fatty acids, reduces risk of degenerative mental disease(like dementia) improves memory, improved mood, reduced depression,anxiety and hyper activity.
4) Nuts:- Protein, fiber, fats(almonds).
5) Seeds:- Sunflower seeds, Sesame seeds, Flax seeds(rich in vitamin E, Magnesium)
6) Coffee:- 2-4 cups daily.
7) Oatmeal:- Contains Fiber, protein, omega 3 fatty acids.
8) Beans:- Contains vitamins, minerals.
9) Pomegranate:- Boosts blood flow, increase red blood cell count.
10) Brown rice:- Good source of Carbohydrates.
11) Tea:- 2-3 cups daily.
12) Chocolate:- (dark chocolate)
13) Oysters:- Source of Selenium,Magnesium,Protein.
14) Olive oil:- Fat for good memory and balanced mood.
15) Tuna:- Source of Vitamin B
16) Garlic.
17) Eggs.
18) Green leafy vegetables.
19) Tomatoes-An Antioxidant.
20) Milk

Eat healthy, Live fully energized, Just remember helping yourself is the only way you can achieve and life the life you want. So if you feel you learned something good help the ones you loved by sharing this and remember get motivated,get a goal and take charge of your life. 

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