How to criticize without hurting the other person

Criticizing is finding out flaws or faults in anyone. Often times criticizing someone can lead to unhealthy situations because lets be honest here, no one likes their faults to be pointed and often times we tend to become angry and try to disassociate with the person that criticize us. 

I love to observe people and try to model people and anchor them, so i sometimes tend to give out suggestions a lot to people for their own good but one day while i was giving some good suggestion to a friend of mine he got upset and started to yell at me, i thought he overreacted but then i too got irritated by him too,later he realized that he overreacted and apologized to me and understood my point clearly. Then i started to think to myself and thought to find a way to criticize and still be nice to them or more to say not make them realize that i am criticizing them and still get the point forward to them. 

So today i want to share with you people how to be able to criticize and still be nice. I am sure everyone faces this situation many times in their lives and i want you to be fully prepared for those situations.

So first thing is first, all you have to do is sandwich your negative comment between two positive remarks.
For example; Your best friend is going on his very first date. He is all excited and gearing up to go. So now your friend here has got very little fashion sense. He is wearing bland shirt and old jeans on his first date. You know how he hates to admit it but you know. 

Well, you can first point out the things you like in his overall appearance. Be sincere and honest. Then insert in a nice and then sneak in your witty criticism or advice.

Just tell him I think Ellen(his date) will be much more impressed if you wore the outfit you wore on my birthday.It makes you look more attractive.

So here is the thing about how this works. We all know people love compliments so if you are about to criticize someone just remember to first praise them and compliment them then sneak in between the criticism.

This is a powerful method that i have personally used many times and the success rate so far is 100 percent so from now you can criticize bravely and still not hurt anyone"s feelings. I hope this helped you and if you feel someone can benefit from this article please go ahead and feel free to share with your loved ones and please comment your experiences and i would get to you. Thanks and live life on the moment and always 
remember self help is the best help. Help yourself then think to help others.

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