Life is like a stream an river and ocean and like there are low tides, high tides life also is an ongoing tide sometimes it takes you up the tide and sometimes it tends bowl you under it. But many people tend to get carried away by the tides in life. People do not see that, its life and things like this must exist in life like there are high tides there must me lows too. If everyone had life of same emotions, just imagine how life would have been. So whatever happens in life we have to go with the flow.

Many times in life we may feel alone, frustrated, anxious, sad, angry. These are the negative emotions that everyone faces in life and at the same time we may also feel happy, joyous, peaceful, love, gratitude. These are the positive emotions that drive us in life to keep moving on. So how on earth do we feel these positive emotions even when everyone can become against us.
There are many sides to look at why people are mad at you. Either you must have done something wrong that has disappointed people or all those people are in denial and trying to prove themselves right. In this two cases you can follow the following procedures and every time this works at least has worked for me since 5 years, so i want to share this with you and hope that you all can harness the power to be positive towards life even when people may be against you because all that matters is to move along with the tide and see the good that is coming.
1) Take a deep breathe:-
Taking a deep breathe does wonders to cool yourself and get the time to think otherwise we always get carried away quickly and react too soon which gets to even worst case scenario. So taking a deep breathe is the first thing you need to do in this situation.
2) If you are in the wrong:-

If the case is that you have done something wrong, you can just get to the safe side by accepting your mistake. No one is perfect and accepting your flaws are a sign of strength and like this way you can be free from the guilt and other negative emotions and see forward to positive emotions.
3) If others are in denial:-
When you feel you are right about something just go for it, and if someone is disagreeing with you just realize that every time your decision may not be applicable with every one else. Every person has their own thought process so you cannot satisfy everyone so just go with you gut and your feeling when you think its best for you because very few people listen to their heart.
4) One month positive thinking practice:-
Practice daily for a month to build a shield for yourself. Every time someone brings any negativity to you you just shield it and nothing is going to affect you emotionally. For doing this you need to take up the one month challenge. For the challenge you have to challenge yourself that whenever you get any negative thoughts or someone brings anything negative to you, you need to just see something positive in it. For example when people criticize you, you have two options either fight with the guy for commenting on you or you can just come to the realization that its a thing you have got to improve in yourself. So like this you can practice doing this; every time any negative thing comes on to you bring up a imaginary shield and reflect it with positive affirmation.
4) Realize that life is about living the moment:-
Life is all about living in the moment and every thought that you emit from yourself is a sheer expression of your desires and subconscious. Just when ever you feel all are against you think that as a challenge as an opportunity to show the world that your vision is of some meaning. Nothing beats the feeling of feeling alive and feeling that you exist and matter to the world so whatever desires and dreams just go and get it because you only have the moment so you can either choose to enjoy the moment or just let it go away. If i were you i would choose to live it and live it to make a difference and feel that am alive.
I know that certain things have gone out of topic. I just want to bring out my emotions and my thoughts to you to live the life of happiness and sheer joy. There no where to be affected by outer entities its just you who can control your feelings and emotions. This is what i want to express to you and hope you can dig it, i believe this helped you to some extent. If you feel someone can be helped from this please feel free to share with your loved ones and as always be happy!