Influencing someone or persuading someone maybe thought of as a thing only the pros can do or a person needs a extravagant personality to influence anybody but science and psychologists have proved the concept to be only a theory in practicality anyone and anybody who can follow directions and be persistent can use certain ideas and practical steps to influence anyone in their lives.
In search of easy ways anyone can apply in their lives to influence people i have stumbled upon with 5 steps following which you can start to influence anyone, from the love of your life, your parents,your colleagues,your wife,your husband,your employee, your boss and even a stranger.
The secret I am going to reveal to you is simple and with quite a bit of practice you can start applying this in your day to day life.
1) Have patience:-
Influencing anyone does not happen just like that, it takes time and practice. If you are sensitive enough to know the symptoms of agreement or submission, you will be able to steer the conversation to a point where you have the opportunity to persuade.
If the other party does not show interest in your idea then his/her body language shows it, then you should be more consistent and persistent to try some other time when that person is in the state where he will listen to you. This will show the other person you care for them and this will create an instant good vibe about you to the person you are trying to influence.
2) Stop yourself from rebutting too much:-
One of the greatest mistake of persuasiveness is your penchant to answer back and rebut. We often pretend to listen to another person"s idea, when in fact, what we are doing is preparing for a rebuttal to his or her statements.
What ensues is a discussion that has two levels: One the is verbal and obviously one that is based on underlying meanings and subliminal messages. You maybe able to prove your point and so will the other person, but nobody really wins. This can become a deal killer if you are battling between these levels. So stop yourself from getting inclined towards rebutting.
3) Be passionate:-
To effectively influence a person, you have to truly believe you area saying and say it with passion because anything in the world that someone has achieved any success or any wealth is due to sheer passion. There is a truly magical power in passion so you have to find that passion while you are trying to influence any person.This is the best way to sell a product or an idea.
4) Be generous with compliments:-
People love to hear something nice about themselves. So find something to praise to anyone. Only be careful that it does not sound like flattery. So find something worthy about the person and compliment in a question. Express your delight just be careful not to sound like a crazy stalker.
Be effective in communicating your emotions and thoughts by proper assertive behavior and body language.Be open minded and show it. People love to talk with people with an open mind.
5) Allow other to persuade you:-
You can never influence others if you do not let others to persuade you too. Remember you are no the only one who wants to get their ideas and products to get heard. Letting other influence you is a powerful method to learn more about yourself and be able to build a rapport and bond quickly with anyone.
This is a powerful method that i have personally used many times and the success rate so far is 100 percent so from now you can influence people and get outstanding results. I hope this helped you and if you feel someone can benefit from this article please go ahead and feel free to share with your loved ones and please comment your experiences and i would get to you. Thanks and live life on the moment and always remember self help is the best help. Help yourself then think to help others.