Best diet plan for nutrition and good health

Good nutrition is the secret to both losing fat and gaining muscle,  I'll show you how to eat 6 inexpensive, nutritious meals a day without cooking or shopping. In response to the hundreds of people who have written me saying they knew their nutrition was horrible but felt powerless to improve it because of the schedule constraints of their work, school, or life. Eating 6 small, well balanced meals a day is easy when you know how and once your nutrition is on track you will find it easy to reduce bodyfat to show those 8-pack abs and gain muscle too.

The one thing you need to do though is get rid of the idea that food always has to be tasty. Jack LaLane had a great saying "If it tastes good, spit it out!" and its so true. If something is that good then its most likely got too much sugar, salt, fat or artificial flavors. When something tastes really, really good your first thought should be - "whats in this?". Think about what you are eating! If what makes it taste good is the nasty stuff mentioned above then spit it out. Obviously if? you are eating a carrot or an apple and it tastes good this doesnt apply. The saying is designed to make you think about everything you eat. If you dont know what is on the list of ingredients and its nutritional content then SPIT IT OUT!

Here are the meals I eat during the video:

5:00am coffee and protein powder mixed in water (about 100 cals)
6:30am oatmeal with flax and protein powder (about 400 cals)
9:30am mixed frozen vegetables with spaghetti sauce and protein powder mixed in water (about 400 cals)
12:00 shredded wheat with nonfat milk, flax, and protein powder (about 400 cals)
2:30pm can of kidney beans and raisins (about 300 cals)
5:00pm dried soybeans and raisins (about 300 cals)
7:30pm mixed frozen vegetables with spaghetti sauce and protein powder mixed in water (about 300 cals)
9:00pm protein powder mixed in water (100 cals)

If you eat too much your kidneys have to work overtime to get rid of it and its not healthy. How much protein consumption is too much? Many bodybuilders consume more than 1g protein per pound of body weight per day without any problems. I keep under that number, I weigh 240 lbs and consume about 200g protein a day.

You will notice that I didnt eat any chicken/meat/fish during the whole day, that is typical for me. I eat meat when I go out to restaurants (about once a week) but not at home. If you want, feel free to use meats for your protein rather than protein powder. You can get dried fish and meat, and you can also get canned salmon/tuna. Both of these are very convenient. If you have time, you can grill up some chicken twice a week and use this as your protein.

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