Effective communication does not just mean knowing the right words to say. Emotions and body language play a very important role in getting your message across. Most celebrities and sales people have already perfected the technique of keeping a poker face and staying still in the midst of major hurdle or if they being told something quite contrary to their point. Most of us are unaware about the body language and patterns that we exert in our daily lives, but quite interestingly our body language plays a big role in defining our emotions and our personalities. Here I want to share with you some basic body language that most people exert when they are going through different emotions. So next time you see someone you can definitely tell them what emotions they are going through.
Here are some ways to read emotions through body language:-
1) If a person is happy, He/She tends to...
- Smile a lot. We might even find them doing a little skip as they walk.
- Have a relaxed facial muscles and fluid movements.
- Hums or sings to themselves.
2) If a person is anxious, He/She tends to...
- Have a pale face and dry lips.
- Starts perspiring profusely.
- Fidgets a lot and has shifty eyes.
- Keeps shaking their leg or tapping his foot.
- Makes sudden movements after a while of being still.
- Stutters.
3) If a person is angry, He/She...
- Pounds their fist on the table and uses a loud voice to speak.
- Clenches their fist and leans forward when talking to you.
- Bares his teeth and appears to be swirling as they talk
- Has tense muscles.
4) If a person is surprised, He/She....
- Suddenly opens his mouth(Hence,the expression of jaw dropping)
- Suddenly takes a step back.
- Widens their eyes or clamps their hands over their mouth.
5) If a person is sad, He/She...
- Has trembling lips.
- Is not able to look straight in the eyes and sometimes even has tears forming.
- Slumps his body.
- Uses a rather flat or weak tone of voice.