How to live the life you desire

Discover The Quality Of Your Being

Understand that when you start loving beyond names and forms, you are not losing anything. You are only losing what you are not - the illusion which you need to lose. What you have gained is reality. So just have faith and don't fear when you find yourself merging with the whole. Existence is waiting with open arms to engulf you, to dissolve you into itself, but only if you are ready to let go. Just have the courage to let go with an open heart. You will merge with it! When you are ready to feel the embrace of Existence, you rise to a higher plane; a plane of higher consciousness. You enter into a space you never even knew existed. With Existence, you always fall in to rise. Don't give up. Keep on loving with all your heart. See Existence in everything. Feel the plants with tenderness in your heart. See the animals as if they were your own. See every human being as a part of God. That is real worship. It is easy to worship God in the temple. The real worship is seeing everything as God; seeing your neighbor as God.

Have the courage to go deep inside and love. You will start feeling the common thread of Existence in all that you see. You will understand that all that you see are illusory happenings held together by the real thread that is Existence. Automatically, you will start loving everything in the same way without any trouble because you will see only Existence in everyone and everything. Of course, you have to allow this transformation to happen in you, only then it will happen. Any change in you is a shift in consciousness. Love is the only thing that can make you feel that you are a part of Existence.

Daily Awareness Practices

In order to discover the quality of your being that is love, two things can be done. First, repeatedly listen to words like these so that they create a conviction in you about what is being said, so that they create a space in you to start the process of transformation.

Secondly, meditate so that the transformation can actually happen. Meditation will take you to depths inside yourself that will help you rise above these misunderstandings of love. Meditation will work at the being level. That is why it is a short cut! When you have to go through life and know by yourself, it will take you a lifetime. But with meditation, a space opens inside you to experience these things clearly for yourself, whatever your age may be. So make space in your life to hear the truth and to meditate.

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