How the secret really works

Have you yet read or seen the documentary "The Secret" from Rhonda Byrne where they talks about the principles of universe and one principle being the law of attraction. The book and the documentary both talk of the three step procedure where you can ask anything to the universe and the universe will give it back to you. But after reading the book and seeing the video and experimenting it myself i found some missing links to the book and the main jest of the whole concept to be missing.

After doing some research and going through numerous articles i came to know that the missing link was very simple and indeed very astounding. As a guy really interested into mystics and self improvement or you can even say obsessed whit these thing i could not resist the temptation to find the missing link. I have sated below some of my findings and can help you to understand the concept more clearly.

What the book says:
Thoughts become things, the book talks of the creative process and 3 simple steps
1)Ask: This is the step when it says you to ask and ask out to the universe your desires and wishes
2)Answer: This is the step when the universe is going to answer your desires and wishes.
3)Receive: When your done with asking and universe answering then you receive what you wished for.

After going through the book number of times i was certain that there was something missing and here is where it gets really interesting. The book talks about other processes too which i will state below:
1)Gratitude: Be great full to what you possess. An attitude of gratitude.
2)Visualize: What you visualize you materialize.

These are powerful affirmations and really helps but still it does not harness the immediate result that anyone would like to see and now for the amazing part. Now I understand you must be going cut the crap and come to the point but i have to state the key points the book talks so the its easier for people to understand the missing link.
So here is the real deal, Everything in the world was created through sound and vibration which resonated energy which has a frequency. So there are many laws of the universe and for the law of attraction to be heard out for the universe the frequency quotient is the most important part that the book does not talk about. There are many such frequency that exist in the universe which cannot be discussed here because it will be a whole different chapter. So simply frequencies are directly related to emotions. There are two kinds of emotions namely positive and negative emotions. Positive meaning emotion of love, happiness etc and negative meaning emotions of fear and jealously etc.

So why this is so important is because when you are in a positive frequency you are attuned to a certain frequency that resonates with the frequency of the of the universe and this state all your desires and wishes can come true by simply asking to the universe and vice verse.

So the conclusion is that if you want to get the best from law of attraction you have got to be in the love frequency. There are numerous experiments and scientific proofs you can find on the internet to clearly understand the concept i am just trying to link them together.

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