How to read emotions through body language

How to read emotions through body language

Effective communication does not just mean knowing the right words to say. Emotions and body language play a very important role in getting your message across. Most celebrities and sales people have already perfected the technique of keeping a poker face and staying still in the midst of major hurdle or if they being told something quite contrary to their point. Most of us are unaware about the body language and patterns that we exert in our daily lives, but quite interestingly our body language plays a big role in defining our emotions and our personalities. Here I want to share with you some basic body language that most people exert when they are going through different emotions. So next time you see someone you can definitely tell them what emotions they are going through.

Here are some ways to read emotions through body language:-
1) If a person is happy, He/She tends to...
- Smile a lot. We might even find them doing a little skip as they walk.
- Have a relaxed facial muscles and fluid movements.
- Hums or sings to themselves.

2) If a person is anxious, He/She tends to...
- Have a pale face and dry lips.
- Starts perspiring profusely.
- Fidgets a lot and has shifty eyes.
- Keeps shaking their leg or tapping his foot.
- Makes sudden movements after a while of being still.
- Stutters.

3) If a person is angry, He/She...
- Pounds their fist on the table and uses a loud voice to speak.
- Clenches their fist and leans forward when talking to you.
- Bares his teeth and appears to be swirling as they talk
- Has tense muscles.

4) If a person is surprised, He/She....
- Suddenly opens his mouth(Hence,the expression of jaw dropping)
- Suddenly takes a step back.
- Widens their eyes or clamps their hands over their mouth.

5) If a person is sad, He/She...
- Has trembling lips.
- Is not able to look straight in the eyes and sometimes even has tears forming.
- Slumps his body.
- Uses a rather flat or weak tone of voice.

I hope this helped you and if you feel someone can benefit from this article please go ahead and feel free to share with your loved ones and please comment your experiences and i would get to you. Thanks and live life on the moment and always remember self help is the best help. Help yourself then think to help others.

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5 best ways to influence people

5 best ways to influence people

Influencing someone or persuading someone maybe thought of as a thing only the pros can do or a person needs a extravagant personality to influence anybody but science and psychologists have proved the concept to be only a theory in practicality anyone and anybody who can follow directions and be persistent can use certain ideas and practical steps to influence anyone in their lives. 

In search of easy ways anyone can apply in their lives to influence people i have stumbled upon with 5 steps following which you can start to influence anyone, from the love of your life, your parents,your colleagues,your wife,your husband,your employee, your boss and even a stranger.

The secret I am going to reveal to you is simple and with quite a bit of practice you can start applying this in your day to day life.

1) Have patience:-
Influencing anyone does not happen just like that, it takes time and practice. If you are sensitive enough to know the symptoms of agreement or submission, you will be able to steer the conversation to a point where you have the opportunity to persuade.
If the other party does not show interest in your idea then his/her body language shows it, then you should be more consistent and persistent to try some other time when that person is in the state where he will listen to you. This will show the other person you care for them and this will create an instant good vibe about you to the person you are trying to influence.

2) Stop yourself from rebutting too much:-
One of the greatest mistake  of persuasiveness is your penchant to answer back and rebut. We often pretend to listen to another person"s idea, when in fact, what we are doing is preparing for a rebuttal to his or her statements.

What ensues is a discussion that has two levels: One the is verbal and obviously one that is based on underlying meanings and subliminal messages. You maybe able to prove your point and so will the other person, but nobody really wins. This can become a deal killer if you are battling between these levels. So stop yourself from getting inclined towards rebutting.

3) Be passionate:-
To effectively influence a person, you have to truly believe you area saying and say it with passion because anything in the world that someone has achieved any success or any wealth is due to sheer passion. There is a truly magical power in passion so you have to find that passion while you are trying to influence any person.This is the best way to sell a product or an idea.

4) Be generous with compliments:-
People love to hear something nice about themselves. So find something to praise to anyone. Only be careful that it does not sound like flattery. So find something worthy about the person and compliment in a question. Express your delight just be careful not to sound like a crazy stalker.

Be effective in communicating your emotions and thoughts by proper assertive behavior and body  language.Be open minded and show it. People love to talk with people with an open mind.

5) Allow other to persuade you:-
You can never influence others if you do not let others to persuade you too. Remember you are no the only one who wants to get their ideas and products to get heard. Letting other influence you is a powerful method to learn more about yourself and be able to build a rapport and bond quickly with anyone.

This is a powerful method that i have personally used many times and the success rate so far is 100 percent so from now you can influence people and get outstanding results. I hope this helped you and if you feel someone can benefit from this article please go ahead and feel free to share with your loved ones and please comment your experiences and i would get to you. Thanks and live life on the moment and always remember self help is the best help. Help yourself then think to help others.
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20 Foods to supercharge you

20 Foods to supercharge you
We are living in the where every thing is done at a accelerated speed. And in this rush of doing everything fast often times we forget to keeps  track of what we are eating. Food is the source of energy for our body and if we start eating foods that are processed and full of chemicals, we certainly will deficit in the energy out put that we exert so a healthy and balance diet is the need for every house hold in this push button era where everything is done with a push of a button.

If you want to live a healthy life with exquisite energy everyday then you need to get out of the push button era mentality and start to live, exercise, and eat foods that are healthy for your body.

So i am gonna give you 20 foods that are all natural and are very good for your overall heath and nutrition.

1) Avocado:- Rich in protein and contains mono saturated fat.
2)Blue berries:- Rich in fiber.
3) Wild Salmon:- Omega-3 fatty acids, reduces risk of degenerative mental disease(like dementia) improves memory, improved mood, reduced depression,anxiety and hyper activity.
4) Nuts:- Protein, fiber, fats(almonds).
5) Seeds:- Sunflower seeds, Sesame seeds, Flax seeds(rich in vitamin E, Magnesium)
6) Coffee:- 2-4 cups daily.
7) Oatmeal:- Contains Fiber, protein, omega 3 fatty acids.
8) Beans:- Contains vitamins, minerals.
9) Pomegranate:- Boosts blood flow, increase red blood cell count.
10) Brown rice:- Good source of Carbohydrates.
11) Tea:- 2-3 cups daily.
12) Chocolate:- (dark chocolate)
13) Oysters:- Source of Selenium,Magnesium,Protein.
14) Olive oil:- Fat for good memory and balanced mood.
15) Tuna:- Source of Vitamin B
16) Garlic.
17) Eggs.
18) Green leafy vegetables.
19) Tomatoes-An Antioxidant.
20) Milk

Eat healthy, Live fully energized, Just remember helping yourself is the only way you can achieve and life the life you want. So if you feel you learned something good help the ones you loved by sharing this and remember get motivated,get a goal and take charge of your life. 
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How to criticize without hurting the other person

How to criticize without hurting the other person
Criticizing is finding out flaws or faults in anyone. Often times criticizing someone can lead to unhealthy situations because lets be honest here, no one likes their faults to be pointed and often times we tend to become angry and try to disassociate with the person that criticize us. 

I love to observe people and try to model people and anchor them, so i sometimes tend to give out suggestions a lot to people for their own good but one day while i was giving some good suggestion to a friend of mine he got upset and started to yell at me, i thought he overreacted but then i too got irritated by him too,later he realized that he overreacted and apologized to me and understood my point clearly. Then i started to think to myself and thought to find a way to criticize and still be nice to them or more to say not make them realize that i am criticizing them and still get the point forward to them. 

So today i want to share with you people how to be able to criticize and still be nice. I am sure everyone faces this situation many times in their lives and i want you to be fully prepared for those situations.

So first thing is first, all you have to do is sandwich your negative comment between two positive remarks.
For example; Your best friend is going on his very first date. He is all excited and gearing up to go. So now your friend here has got very little fashion sense. He is wearing bland shirt and old jeans on his first date. You know how he hates to admit it but you know. 

Well, you can first point out the things you like in his overall appearance. Be sincere and honest. Then insert in a nice and then sneak in your witty criticism or advice.

Just tell him I think Ellen(his date) will be much more impressed if you wore the outfit you wore on my birthday.It makes you look more attractive.

So here is the thing about how this works. We all know people love compliments so if you are about to criticize someone just remember to first praise them and compliment them then sneak in between the criticism.

This is a powerful method that i have personally used many times and the success rate so far is 100 percent so from now you can criticize bravely and still not hurt anyone"s feelings. I hope this helped you and if you feel someone can benefit from this article please go ahead and feel free to share with your loved ones and please comment your experiences and i would get to you. Thanks and live life on the moment and always 
remember self help is the best help. Help yourself then think to help others.

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How to be positive even when everyone is against you

How to be positive even when everyone is against you
Life is like a stream an river and ocean and like there are low tides, high tides life also is an ongoing tide sometimes it takes you up the tide and sometimes it tends  bowl you under it. But many people tend to get carried away by the tides in life. People do not see that, its life and things like this must exist in life like there are high tides there must me lows too. If everyone had life of same emotions, just imagine how life would have been. So whatever happens in life we have to go with the flow.

Many times in life we may feel alone, frustrated, anxious, sad, angry. These are the negative emotions that everyone faces in life and at the same time we may also feel happy, joyous, peaceful, love, gratitude. These are the positive emotions that drive us in life to keep moving on. So how on earth do we feel these positive emotions even when everyone can become against us. 

There are many sides to look at why people are mad at you. Either you must have done something wrong that has disappointed people or all those people are in denial and trying to prove themselves right. In this two cases you can follow the following procedures and every time this works at least has worked for me since 5 years, so i want to share this with you and hope that you all can harness the power to be positive towards life even when people may be against you because all that matters is to move along with the tide and see the good that is coming.  

1) Take a deep breathe:- 
Taking a deep breathe does wonders to cool yourself and get the time to think otherwise we always get carried away quickly and react too soon which gets to even worst case scenario. So taking a deep breathe is the first thing you need to do in this situation.

2) If you are in the wrong:-

If the case is that you have done something wrong, you can just get to the safe side by accepting your mistake. No one is perfect and accepting your flaws are a sign of strength and like this way you can be free from the guilt and other negative emotions and see forward to positive emotions.

3) If others are in denial:- 
When you feel you are right about something just go for it, and if someone is disagreeing with you just realize that every time your decision may not be applicable with every one else. Every person has their own thought process so you cannot satisfy everyone so just go with you gut and your feeling when you think its best for you because very few people listen to their heart.

4) One month positive thinking practice:-
Practice daily for a month to build a shield for yourself. Every time someone brings any negativity to you you just shield it and nothing is going to affect you emotionally. For doing this you need to take up the one month challenge. For the challenge you have to challenge yourself that whenever you get any negative thoughts or someone brings anything negative to you, you need to just see something positive in it. For example when people criticize you, you have two options either fight with the guy for commenting on you or you can just come to the realization that its a thing you have got to improve in yourself. So like this you can practice doing this; every time any negative thing comes on to you bring up a imaginary shield and reflect it with positive affirmation.

4) Realize that life is about living the moment:-
Life is all about living in the moment and every thought that you emit from yourself is a sheer expression of your desires and subconscious. Just when ever you feel all are against you think that as a challenge as an opportunity to show the world that your vision is of some meaning. Nothing beats the feeling of feeling alive and feeling that you exist and matter to the world so whatever desires and dreams just go and get it because you only have the moment so you can either choose to enjoy the moment or just let it go away. If i were you i would choose to live it and live it to make a difference and feel that am alive.

I know that certain things have gone out of topic. I just want to bring out my emotions and my thoughts to you to live the life of happiness and sheer joy. There no where to be affected by outer entities its just you who can control your feelings and emotions. This is what i want to express to you and hope you can dig it, i believe this helped you to some extent. If you feel someone can be helped from this please feel free to share with your loved ones and as always be happy!
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6 ways to become an Entrepreneur

6  ways to become an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. In this golden era Entrepreneurs are the ones that take up the courage to change something, create jobs, and more importantly push the human race forward. 

People like Bill gates(Microsoft), Steve jobs(Apple), Larry page and Sergey Brain(Google), Mark Zukerberg(Facebook) and other numerous people have taken up the courage to change, think different, change peoples beliefs and create something that changed the way world think. These people are the true entrepreneurs who had the idea and the courage to take action to materialize the idea. Any person who is willing to take the risk and materialize any idea can be considered and entrepreneur. Many people everyday take up a decision to live life on their terms and create a business of their interest. 

I have listed 6 ways you can become and fulfill your dream and become an entrepreneur:-

1) Invest in yourself:-

Top entrepreneurs read business books,online articles or subscribe to industry publication. They also create or join associations,clubs and seminars to network with other entrepreneurs and share knowledge. So you have to think like a top entrepreneur and get active. There are always new and better ways to run a business and learn constantly.

2) Learn to communicate:-

Communication is the key to any field of work and in business it definitely plays an important role. Effective communication aspects for any successful business from the very beginning. If you require finance, you need to be able to clearly communicate to your investors and must be able to convince them.

3)Promote your Business:-

In order to grow your business you need more clients and customers so the way to get more customers is to promote your business to your target audience and in such a way that your message is delivered and is sought out and clear.

4) Delegate tasks:-

While you are handling a business you cannot be the jack of all because there are many aspects to business handling so you need to find professionals that would do the job done for you so delegate your task properly. 

5) Become an expert:-

Every business is started as an experience and takes off with excellence so try and become an expert in your field of working. When people get experience and knowledge in their field and are more informed they are more likely to have a success in their chosen field.

6) Get involved:-

Involvement in activities that can give a boost to your business is very good. Like joining association, charity events, Fund raising, local politics, being active in society are all things to get involved in to get more clients and get a social recognition to promote your business interests.

Take charge of your life guys, do what you love to do, follow your dreams, be creative, most of all enjoy life, share happiness and lastly share this information with someone you love and care about its really worth to share love and information.
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Best persuasion techniques to help you reach your goals

Best persuasion techniques to help you reach your goals
Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. Persuasion can attempt to influence a person's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person's (or a group's) attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination thereof. Persuasion is also an often used tool in the pursuit of personal gain, such as election campaigning, giving a sales pitch,or in trial advocacy. Persuasion can also be interpreted as using one's personal or positional resources to change people's behaviors or attitudes. Systematic persuasion is the process through which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to logic and reason.
We all are persuaders in our daily life. A parent is persuading their child to go to school or do the chores etc. A child in other hand is persuading a parent in getting them to buy new stuff and so on we are all persuading each other every time only thing is we do not do it consciously but subconsciously we all are master persuaders.
So i give you some simple tips on consciously be able to persuade in daily life to reach your definite goals.
1) Be nice and Friendly:
This may seem obvious but this is the part where we need to give more conscious attention because small and simple things are the ones that give most impact so be nice and friendly to whom ever you want to persuade this will built a friendly environment for the person to get into you.

2)Enter their world:
Some times what people want is someone just to understand them more so for a while stop thinking about yourself and get into what other people are going through be able to picture yourself in their shoes. That will create a huge bond and inter-connect  between two people.

3)Consistency is the key:
This is a major key in influencing some one because people saying one thing and doing another are generally unapproved so learn to keep your word and be consistent.

4)Provide them with undeniable evidence and proof:
Any conversation or a debate can go haywire when the conversation in on baseless stuff so come up with some strong proofs and undeniable evidence to prove your stand this affects the other person of your stand point.

5)Greed is gold:
People can be greedy. Talking about persuasion skill greed is something you use to get people right where you want them to be. This is a powerful key to remember because anyone will get through to get what they want and if your can offer them even a piece of that you are surely going to be approved

6)Use the word "because"
Use the word "because" because master persuaders have defined these clause words to be great when influencing someone as these connect two sentences together that subconsciously
creates a bond between people too.

7)Satisfy their existing needs and wants:
Nothing satisfies you more than you wants and needs being fulfilled so become the part of their present needs and desires and help them accomplish it and they will keep with you forever.

These are some simple Tactics you can follow to persuade people from any walks of life. Hope it was helpful and if you think someone would benefit from this tips feel free to share it with some one you care for.

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How the secret really works

How the secret really works
Have you yet read or seen the documentary "The Secret" from Rhonda Byrne where they talks about the principles of universe and one principle being the law of attraction. The book and the documentary both talk of the three step procedure where you can ask anything to the universe and the universe will give it back to you. But after reading the book and seeing the video and experimenting it myself i found some missing links to the book and the main jest of the whole concept to be missing.

After doing some research and going through numerous articles i came to know that the missing link was very simple and indeed very astounding. As a guy really interested into mystics and self improvement or you can even say obsessed whit these thing i could not resist the temptation to find the missing link. I have sated below some of my findings and can help you to understand the concept more clearly.

What the book says:
Thoughts become things, the book talks of the creative process and 3 simple steps
1)Ask: This is the step when it says you to ask and ask out to the universe your desires and wishes
2)Answer: This is the step when the universe is going to answer your desires and wishes.
3)Receive: When your done with asking and universe answering then you receive what you wished for.

After going through the book number of times i was certain that there was something missing and here is where it gets really interesting. The book talks about other processes too which i will state below:
1)Gratitude: Be great full to what you possess. An attitude of gratitude.
2)Visualize: What you visualize you materialize.

These are powerful affirmations and really helps but still it does not harness the immediate result that anyone would like to see and now for the amazing part. Now I understand you must be going cut the crap and come to the point but i have to state the key points the book talks so the its easier for people to understand the missing link.
So here is the real deal, Everything in the world was created through sound and vibration which resonated energy which has a frequency. So there are many laws of the universe and for the law of attraction to be heard out for the universe the frequency quotient is the most important part that the book does not talk about. There are many such frequency that exist in the universe which cannot be discussed here because it will be a whole different chapter. So simply frequencies are directly related to emotions. There are two kinds of emotions namely positive and negative emotions. Positive meaning emotion of love, happiness etc and negative meaning emotions of fear and jealously etc.

So why this is so important is because when you are in a positive frequency you are attuned to a certain frequency that resonates with the frequency of the of the universe and this state all your desires and wishes can come true by simply asking to the universe and vice verse.

So the conclusion is that if you want to get the best from law of attraction you have got to be in the love frequency. There are numerous experiments and scientific proofs you can find on the internet to clearly understand the concept i am just trying to link them together.

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Earning money online without investment

Earning money online without investment
Are you looking for opportunities to earn a part time income online from Nepal without paying a dime. Have you been up by the false promises and scams through out the internet then you have come to the right place. I present you some of the best ways you can earn decent money online from the comfort of your home in Nepal.

The online money making tips that i am going to give you have been tested and worked out by myself and I believe and highly recommend them as they are all legitimate sites where you  work comfortably and don"t have to worry about getting scammed and that too its free. Now i will not exaggerate and blab about how much money you can earn from these sites but if you are consistent then you can easily earn $200, $300 a month just from the comfort of your home and just giving few hours a day of your time.

1)Online form filling: One of the best and easiest ways to earn extra income online is online form filling jobs.
Heres a link to the website :

2)Graybux viewing advertisement: Graybux is a website that allows you to view 30 second advertise and by which you can get instant payouts.

Best regards and happy earnings.

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