5 best ways to influence people

5 best ways to influence people
Influencing someone or persuading someone maybe thought of as a thing only the pros can do or a person needs a extravagant personality to influence anybody but science and psychologists have proved the concept to be only a theory in practicality anyone and anybody who can follow directions and be persistent...
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20 Foods to supercharge you

20 Foods to supercharge you
We are living in the where every thing is done at a accelerated speed. And in this rush of doing everything fast often times we forget to keeps  track of what we are eating. Food is the source of energy for our body and if we start eating foods that are processed and full of chemicals, we certainly will deficit in...
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6 ways to become an Entrepreneur

6  ways to become an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. In this golden era Entrepreneurs are the ones that take up the courage to change something, create jobs, and more importantly push the human race forward.  People...
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How the secret really works

How the secret really works
Have you yet read or seen the documentary "The Secret" from Rhonda Byrne where they talks about the principles of universe and one principle being the law of attraction. The book and the documentary both talk of the three step procedure where you can ask anything to the universe and the universe will give it back to...
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Earning money online without investment

Earning money online without investment
Are you looking for opportunities to earn a part time income online from Nepal without paying a dime. Have you been up by the false promises and scams through out the internet then you have come to the right place. I present you some of the best ways you can earn decent money online from the comfort of your home in Nepal. The...
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